Have You Seen WORLDS?

On August 6, 2020 a New Jersey resident named Morgan Williams discovered a man in the parking lot of a vacant shopping center. He had a shaved head, a long beard, and was dressed all in white. His t-shirt had a word written across his chest in bold block letters: WORLDS.

Since this initial sighting, WORLDS has been spotted in various locations around the United States, most notably New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. No reports to date exist of any attempts to communicate with him. He has exhibited strange behavior.

This pattern of behavior includes:

  • Standing still for long periods of time

  • Staring at the sky or the sun

  • Writing in a leather-bound notebook

  • Strange body movements / convulsions

He has most often been seen in less densely populated areas, including empty or derelict buildings or in public parks.

This website exists to collect and document any sightings of this anonymous individual in an attempt to discover his identity.

I was advised not to completely disclose the specific details motivating this study since it may interfere with an ongoing criminal investigation and the reliability of this research. However, if you have any information on this man and would like to submit a report of your sighting, please use the contact page.

— Madoka Nakayama